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Included here are stories on "Wellness and Power, Alternative Health" and websites with interesting content we have teamed up with

Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Stories from A-Z

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Wellness and Power

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Alternative Health

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How to Become an Alternative Medicine Practitioner

Some thoughts on this special career

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The word "alternative medicine" is an extensive practice that illustrates various health and healing methods. The practitioner jobs of this therapy have been around for hundreds of years, but the last few years have brought a career boom in the field of alternative medicine. Around 30% of the world-wide population is using various types of natural or alternative therapy today and the alternative health practitioner jobs are now being known as feasible forms of the cure of various diseases because people search for alternative or natural health care to live a healthy and happy life.
The use of alternative healing therapy and medicine is an unusual way to refurbish and preserve your health. The conviction behind alternative practitioner jobs is that there is a secure and more natural way to identify and cure different diseases, and that the complete mental, emotional, spiritual and physical facets of a person's wellbeing must be addressed. The healthy way of thinking has made the alternative health care much more popular in recent decades and convinced many individuals to opt for various alternative practitioner jobs in herbology, acupressure, nutritional counseling, reflexology, yoga, traditional Chinese medicine and various other fields.
In order to become an Alternative Therapy Practitioner, one must have the enthusiasm and passion to serve the needy and to explore various facets of alternative therapy because being an Practitioner in alternative therapy isn't just a job, instead it changes complete ones lifestyle and focuses on better health and well-being. Taking alternative healing therapy as a career can be the most rewarding step for any practitioner. Various alternative medicine schools focus on alternative health care and can make you a professional biofeedback therapist, acupuncturist, energy healer, massage therapist, meditation leader, kinesiologist and yoga instructor.
Professional alternative health courses prepare a student in a manner so that he becomes capable of providing cure to the patients by balancing body, mind and spirit. The institutes educate the practitioners in diverse natural techniques and principles to encourage the sacred health through alternate healing programs. You may practice a variety of alternative healing methods to promote the insight into various forms and cultures of health care.
For the awareness of this impressive healing techniques, a large number of Institutes offer alternative healing courses. These courses give proper understanding on diverse fields of alternative therapy and focus on various disciplines to make you a qualified professional. By opting for these alternative healing courses, students can practice diverse alternative healing therapies that help individuals suffering from bad health and offer emotional, mental and physical strength. Select a well known alternative medicine school to become an alternative healing practitioner and enjoy a better life!
Websites with further information:
Iboga spiritual centre in The Netherlands with many years of experience in healing people with addictions and depressions, anxiety and other life-issues.
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Home vs Alternative vs Herbal Remedies

An explanation of the different terms

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If you've ever wondered what the difference is between home remedies, alternative remedies, and herbal remedies, now is your chance to find out. There isn't really a major difference, but the differences are good to know as part of your overall learning process.

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Wikipedia Definition:

Alternative medicine

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In Western culture, alternative medicine is any healing practice "that does not fall within the realm of conventional medicine", or "that which has not been shown consistently to be effective." It is often opposed to evidence based medicine and encompasses therapies with an historical or cultural, rather than a scientific, basis. The American National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) cites examples including naturopathy, chiropractic medicine, herbalism, traditional Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, and nutritional-based therapies, in addition to a range of other practices. It is frequently grouped with complementary medicine, which generally refers to the same interventions when used in conjunction with mainstream techniques, under the umbrella term complementary and alternative medicine, or CAM. Some researchers in alternative medicine oppose this grouping, preferring to emphasize differences of approach, but nevertheless use the term CAM, which has become standard.
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New and interesting websites:

Information on further topics

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Npl self treatment
NPL Self-Treatment: making use of a NPL healer's energies to break down your own or someone else's blockages. You can do this for yourself as well as for somebody else.
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Meditation for Mental Health

A short introduction

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Relaxation is considered important for both physical and mental well being. Mental relaxation benefits not only your mind but also your body. If you regularly carry out meditation, mental health problems will never be a problem for you. Through meditation both mental health and physical well being is improved.

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