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Spirituality and Magick

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Spirituality and Healing

Bringing body, mind and spirit into balance

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Spirituality plays an important role that is often overlooked in one's healing process. Your "Spirituality" is an aspect of who you are. "Healing" is ridding the body of disease, either mental or physical, to bring about wellness, the results of which can be readily seen.
A prominent integrative practitioner, Andrew Weil, M.D., states, "You are body, mind, and spirit. Health necessarily involves all of these components and any program intended to improve health must address all of them." Dr. Weil further states, "Many people consider spirit to be in the province of religion, but I insist on making a clear distinction between spirituality and religion. Spirituality has to do with the nonphysical aspects of your being - the part of you that existed before and will exist after the disintegration of your body."
Spirituality has many facets, including awareness of the world that surrounds you; a sense of wonder, love, and gratitude; a practice of loving-kindness towards yourself and others; listening to your intuition and trusting your heart. Spiritual health is evidenced by people demonstrating the ability to be authentic, face their fears, let go of the past, and develop insight, forgiveness, peace, compassion, and love.
A sampling of what enhances spiritual health includes meditation, yoga, music and art therapy, breathwork, laughter, and martial arts. Regardless of your personal definition of spirituality, you can explore these and other options in a vast realm of modalities and processes that exist for the purpose of developing your spirituality and adapting it to your everyday life; and thus to having a healthy body, mind, and spirit.
Do you pay attention to your thoughts and what you are "saying" to yourself? What you truly believe at the core of your being has great power over what you are creating in your life.
Websites with further information:
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What Does It Mean to Lead a Spiritual Life?

A Buddhist Perspective

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Buddhist spirituality is concerned with the end of suffering through the enlightened understanding of reality. The spiritual practices of the Buddhist tradition vary significantly among its several major varieties, but all of them are oriented toward ultimate freedom from suffering and the cultivation of wisdom and compassion. The spiritual life - or what the Buddha called the noble or holy life (brahmacarya) - is the life lived in pursuit of these ideals.

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Wikipedia Definition:

Magics and Spirituality in Romanticism

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From 1776 to 1781 AD, Jacob Philadelphia performed feats of magic, sometimes under the guise of scientific exhibitions, throughout Europe and Russia. Baron Carl Reichenbach's experiments with his Odic force appeared to be an attempt to bridge the gap between magic and science. More recent periods of renewed interest in magic occurred around the end of the nineteenth century, where Symbolism and other offshoots of Romanticism cultivated a renewed interest in exotic spiritualities. European colonialism put Westerners in contact with India and Egypt and re-introduced exotic beliefs. Hindu and Egyptian mythology frequently feature in nineteenth century magical texts. The late 19th century spawned a large number of magical organizations, including the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Theosophical Society, and specifically magical variants on Freemasonry. The Golden Dawn represented perhaps the peak of this wave of magic, attracting cultural celebrities like William Butler Yeats, Algernon Blackwood, and Arthur Machen.
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Voodoo Magick

Its Place in Modern Day Magick

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It was in Africa, the cradle of civilization that Voodoo was born. Voodoo or Vodun means Great Spirit. The practitioners of Voodoo believe that one deity rules over the entire Universe but there are multiple smaller deities called Loas who are in charge of various aspects of our life. Magick is performed to appease the Loas and gain their blessings.

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