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Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Spiritual Power

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Amulets and Rituals

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Pharaonic Amulets


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Symbolically, scarabs were very important to the ancient Egyptians. Jars of real scarabs were buried with pharaohs from as early as the first dynasty of the Old Kingdom.
Scarab amulets were produced more prolifically than other talismans, and were often decorated with hieroglyphs, and used as seals. They were inscribed with names, mottos, religious prayers and magic formulae, and were regarded as sacred by the ancient Egyptians.
Scarab amulets varied in size from under a centimetre in length, and were produced in semiprecious stones, glass, faience, pottery, also gold and silver, many were inlaid or enamelled in later dynasties.
The scarab was associated with the different manifestations of the sun god, because of the way that the beetles rolled dung into perfect balls around their eggs. The ancient Egyptians saw this as a parallel to the movement of the sun across the sky, and the emergence of the scarab young from the ball was seen as symbolic of the creative powers of the sun.
Khepere was the ancient Egyptian scarab headed god of the rising sun, a manifestation of the sun god Re, and was represented by the scarab beetle. The ancient Egyptian name for scarab beetles was Kheperer, which translates as coming into being, and rising from.
The scarab was a powerful symbol of regeneration and transformation for the ancient Egyptians, and was often used as a good luck talisman, which was believed to attract abundance and enhance fertility. Scarab amulets were precious objects to the ancient Egyptians, and were made into beads and incorporated into jewellery from as early as Predynastic times in ancient Egypt.
Scarab amulets symbolise creation, rebirth and renewal, and are talismans of good luck. The Scarab is still a popular amulet in modern times.
Websites with further information:
Real voodoo spells: Understand that this is a powerful spell and should not be used unless necessary. www.atangha.com offers many different free voodoo spells such as the Money Voodoo Spell, Love Voodoo Spell and much more.
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Temple Magic

History of Thai Amulets

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Possibly the oldest amulets which origin are traceable are the amulets from the Haripunchai period (today the area of Lampun province, around 1,000 years ago) when there was a strong Mon-Burmese influence.

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Wikipedia Definition:


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The Anglo-Saxon k in Magick is the eleventh letter of several alphabets, and eleven is the principal number of magick, because it is the number attributed to the Qliphoth - the underworld of chaotic forces that have to be mentally conquered before magick can be performed. K has other magical implications: it corresponds to the power or shakti aspect of creative energy, for k is the ancient Egyptian khu, the magical power.
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New and interesting websites:

Information on further topics

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Expressions of Faith

Hindu Symbols

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Many Hindus consider that religious symbols embody the divine, and are in themselves sacred. Hence the symbolic murti (sacred image) or prasada (sanctified food) not only point to transcendence but become that transcendence (Brahman) if invoked with love and devotion...

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