Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals [559 x 70 px]
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AvalonsTreasury.com: Avalon Top (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [150 x 95 px]
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Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Logo Bottom - www.avalonstreasury.com [150 x 47 px]
AvalonsTreasury.com: Experience the Magic of Timeless Jewelry Designs (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [150 x 70 px]
Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Arrow - www.avalonstreasury.com [136 x 17 px]

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Stories from A-Z: Further Topics - Searching and Finding

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Included here are stories on "Further Topics, Searching and Finding" and websites with interesting content we have teamed up with

Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Heading, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [28 x 50 px]

Stories from A-Z

AvalonsTreasury.com: Heading, End (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [28 x 50 px]
Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Second Heading - www.avalonstreasury.com [20 x 20 px]

Further Topics

AvalonsTreasury.com: Second Heading (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [20 x 20 px]

Searching and Finding

Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

Meta-Search Engines

Traditional Web Search Sites, Part 1

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [10 x 10 px]
This short article lists parallel Internet query engines which you can use to submit your questions to several search engines at one time. Since there are so many different meta-search engines this is only a small selection - furthermore in part 2 of this article we will give some more examples.
Search.Com (http://www.search.com)
Search.Com provides general metasearching using search engines and directories. The box on the right side of the page will give you good ideas for narrowing or expanding your search. Options for specifying sites and other modifications to the search results will be found in the options and preferences links on the first page of the results lists. The first six items in the results list were advertisements which was indicated by a pale grey "sponsored links" statement.
Search Credible (http://www.searchcredible.com)
Try your search term on 26 sites individually. These include the usual search engines, Google Scholar, the Library of Congress, the Directory of Open Access Journals, and YouTube.
Zuula (http://www.zuula.com)
Most metasearch engines combine results from the search engines which they use. With Zuula, you may use eight search engines individually, and see which one you prefer.
Yippy (http://search.yippy.com)
Yippy uses Ask, Open Directory, Gigablast, and "others". Results are combined, and also organized into folders by topic or by source search engine on the left side of the screen.
Fundoo Web (http://fundooweb.com)
Search the web with Yahoo!, search for pictures with Flickr and for news with Yahoo! news. This site also seaches Amazon, and Yahoo Maps. The results from searching all of these sites is presented on the first page of the results.
OnmiMedicalSearch.Com (http://www.omnimedicalsearch.com)
This is an efficient metasearch engine for medical information, medical news and images.
SurfWax (http://www.surfwax.com)
SurfWax offers many interesting features. If you click on the snap button, you get a preview of the page along with focus words on that web page which may be used for further searching. SurfWax results may be presented by relevance, source, or alphabetically. The focus option helps to find other search terms to use.
Websites with further information:
Your Listing on this Page
Your website could be listed on one of our pages with stories from A-Z! If you add our homepage to one of your webpages we will include your site's title, description and graphic here.
Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

Meta-Search Engines

Traditional Web Search Sites, Part 2

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [10 x 10 px]
This short article lists parallel Internet query engines which you can use to submit your questions to several search engines at one time. The biggest meta engines having the most visitors however can be found in part 1 of our engine list.

AvalonsTreasury.com: View complete Story (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [144 x 25 px]

Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

Wikipedia Definition:

Web search engine

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [10 x 10 px]
A web search engine is designed to search for information on the World Wide Web. The search results are generally presented in a list of results and are often called hits. The information may consist of web pages, images, information and other types of files. Some search engines also mine data available in databases or open directories. Unlike Web directories, which are maintained by human editors, search engines operate algorithmically or are a mixture of algorithmic and human input.
Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Rounded Corner, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [10 x 10 px]

Subject Indexes

Directories of Quality Web Sites

AvalonsTreasury.com: Rounded Corner, End (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [10 x 10 px]
Subject indexes are for those searchers who know the subject that they are interested in, and want to browse lists of Web sites on that subject. Directories differ from search engines in that the content is chosen by human editors. Consequently the composition of the directory will be dependent upon the subject knowledge and selection skills of the editors. The emphasis of Directories of Quality Web Sites is on editors who may be librarians or subject experts.

Further Topics, Searching and Finding: View complete Story - www.avalonstreasury.com [144 x 25 px]



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Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Stories from A-Z
Further Topics, Searching and Finding

Further Topics, Searching and Finding: Arrow, Mist - www.avalonstreasury.com [136 x 22 px]
If you want to add your website to one of our pages or to another list of websites normally it is only necessary to provide the title and a description of your site - but often it is also possible to publish a whole story which points to your website. This method has advantages since one can provide information about topics which interest the reader in order to win new visitors for your homepage.
The most important point when writing such stories is to care about your reader. Offer well structured information and opinions which provoke further interest and deeper discussions. In order to achieve this you should focus on topics that are not self-evident and prove this way that you are an expert in a given field who is able to present new information in his stories in an entertaining way.
Being neutral is an important element when publishing information: There is a reason why newspapers with their political coverage own a better reputation than the tabloid press which focuses on gossip and tittle-tattle. Honest information about various fields of knowledge can also easily be published in social networks where they can be associated with your profile. In this way the interested reader can learn more about you and recognize you as an expert in your field which ledas to more trust in your website and the products and services offered there. Especially in the internet the reputation of a website is important since there is no direct contact between humans and it is therefore difficult to come to an competent opinion about a site.
Many webmasters don’t consider that also the website which is referenced by a story has to offer thrilling and interesting information about the topic of the story. Even an excellent story does not help much if you website does not contain further information which fascinates the new visitors and motivates them to stay on the site. For sure it is not always necessary to offer this information in text form: Many visitors like interactive sites, thrilling videos or artistic presentations that make them laugh, entertain them or enchain them in another way.
Also the stories on the page http://www.aval
were written by various authors in order to win new visitors for their websites. If you want to point to this page you can use the following information about our website and the page itself:
  • Website: Our short description is "Webshop for Gems".
  • Page: Websites and stories about "Further Topics, Searching and Finding" can be found on this page.
In the end well written stories can be much more than only a possibility to find new visitors for one’s homepage - they can build an emotional connection between you and the visitors of your site and enhance your reputation as an expert in a given field of knowledge. For this reason stories that point to your website are much more valuable than references that only use a title and a short description.

AvalonsTreasury.com: Your Listing (Page: Further Topics, Searching and Finding) [130 x 20 px]