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Sword of Draco - Pendant

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According to old belief the Sword of Draco grants vitality, cunningness and protection.

Avalon's Treasury - Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Sword of Draco


Forbidden Pendants - AMirror of our Soul:
This "forbidden" pendant combines archetypical pictures with sigils and seals imaged in old grimoires to create a very special magic amulet. This way it is a key to our subconsciousness and even the word "forbidden" itself lures us to the more magic, mystic and darker aspects of our soul which we often, contingent upon society, reject as pure fantasy.
The Pendant Sword of Draco:
The shape of the Sword of Draco looks like two wings of a bat and therefore this symbol has often been rejected, because bats, being the only nocturnal, flying mammals, have always been a symbol for the forbidden side of magic. This powerful magic weapon combines the blazing element of fire, symbolized by the dragon, and the agile element of air, symbolized by the sword - both elements are hereby enhancing each other's effects thus forming an especially powerful amulet. According to old belief this amulet will grant vitality and mental mobility tio its wearer and protect him from dangers.
Example of a Charging Ritual from an old Grimoire:
1. Preparatio (Preparation):
In a quiet room cover a table with a white tablecloth and keep ready incense cones or joss sticks, a white candle in a candle holder, a glass of water and a dash of salt.
Make sure you will not be disturbed and black out the room: Put the glass of water, the white candle and the incense in the middle of the table, then ignite the candle and the incense and place the sign next to them. Now close your eyes and meditate for some minutes over the meaning of the sign and thereby imagine its effects as clearly as possible.
2. Purificatio (Cleaning):
Move the sign through the smoke of the incense - thereby it is purified by the element air. Then hold it above the flame of the candle - thereby it is purified by the element fire. Now take a dash of salt, put it in the water and imagine how the glass is filled by a golden light. Sprinkle the sign with the water and imagine that it starts to shine golden too - thereby it is purified by the element water. Finally disperse some salt over the sign - thereby it is purified by the element earth.
3. Potestatem Facere (Charging):
Take a seat, close your eyes and hold the sign in your hand. Imagine a glowing sphere, consisting of shining white light, just right above you - feel the power and size of this sphere. Visualize a beam of golden light emitting from the sphere, going through your head right to your solar plexus, thus filling your whole body with this golden light which warms and strengthens you. Imagine once again the meaning and effects of your sign and let the light flow through your arm into your hand and from there into your sign.
4. Salvatio (Reorientation):
Recover for some minutes and take a meal or have a drink to lead your body back into this world. The magic charge of your sign will remain as long as you keep it within your aura.
5. Exoneratio (Discharging):
Your charged sign is a powerful symbol which is able to sometimes cause unintended strong changes. If this happens you can discharge it by putting the sign under running water for a couple of minutes while imagining the energy streaming out of it.
Sword of Draco: Divider, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [171 x 10 px]AvalonsTreasury.com: Divider, End (Page: Sword of Draco) [171 x 10 px]
Size:  about 4.3 cm (1.69 in) tall and 2.7 cm (1.06 in) wide
Height about 4 mm (0.16 in)
Pendant bail: about 4 mm (0.16 in) in diameter
Weight:  Weight of Jewelry: 6 g (0.01 lb)
Total Weight incl. Package: 20 g (0.04 lb)
Material:  pewter, embellished with silver and gold
with two red glass crystals in miracle settings
Delivery:  on 45 cm (18 in) sturdy link chain made of silver plated metal with bolt ring/lobster clasp
in a 12.0 x 8.0 cm (4.7 x 3.1 in) padded black velvet pouch
Jewelry Line Up:  Forbidden
Order number: 
Our Price:
EUR 18.80
Availability:  ships in 1-3 working days

Sword of Draco: Divider, Start - www.avalonstreasury.com [171 x 10 px]AvalonsTreasury.com: Divider, End (Page: Sword of Draco) [171 x 10 px]

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Dragon Skull
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Eye of the Ice Dragon
AvalonsTreasury.com: Divider, Start (Page: Sword of Draco) [171 x 10 px]Sword of Draco: Divider, End - www.avalonstreasury.com [171 x 10 px]

Sword of Draco: Back to Jewelry Selection - www.avalonstreasury.com [210 x 40 px]



AvalonsTreasury.com: Divider (Page: Sword of Draco) [312 x 10 px]

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"Sword of Draco"
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Avalon's Treasury

Jewelry, Gems & Minerals

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Sword of Draco

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This jewelry belongs to the jewelry line up "Forbidden".

Sword of Draco: Show Line Up - www.avalonstreasury.com [130 x 20 px]



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This jewelry belongs to the jewelry line up "Forbidden" - this line up can also be downloaded as a printable catalogue so that you can order by fax or mail:

Sword of Draco: Load Catalogue - www.avalonstreasury.com [130 x 30 px]


About us

AvalonsTreasury.com: Arrow, Mist (Page: Sword of Draco) [136 x 22 px]
We were always fascinated by pieces of jewelry designed according to historical artwork and magical and other old motifs are a main area of our jewelry collection until today. Nowadays we all are surrounded by designs and motifs from all over the world which we usually choose according to visual aspects without considering the original meaning and symbolism of the various depictions. For sure the beauty of the different designs and materials is a good reason for selecting them but the affinity to a special piece of jewelry or art craft can be enhanced if one knows its deeper meaning and its origin. For this reason we always placed value on the accurate representation and information explaining the various pieces of jewelry in our collection.
Jewelry always had various functions which changed during the course of time: Because of the precious materials that were often used for its design it often was a valuable asset and sometime was even used as a currency. But especially in ancient cultures the spiritual meaning of a piece of jewelry was always important and the different motifs were symbols for the affiliation of its wearer to and his status in a social group. Furthermore jewelry can also serve a practical purpose like this is the case with safety pins, belt buckles and brooches.
Since jewelry is such a diverse cultural asset the meaning of a given piece can depend on the point of view and beliefs of its creator. For example many cultures developed pieces of jewelry showing to others whether its wearer is married or single: In our Western world these are the wedding rings while in African countries e.g. special bracelets or necklaces are worn for this purpose. Whether we are talking about weddings jewelry or talismans and amulets that were used for protection - often the decorations and materials determine the symbolic meaning of a piece of jewelry.
Besides the various symbols and designs different cultures use for their pieces of jewelry also a variety of materials are deployed in jewelry production. At the beginning of mankind primarily pearls made of wood and bones and shells were crafted to pendants, since these rather soft materials could easily be processed and were readily available. Later on especially precious metals like gold and silver and various gems were used for valuable jewelry. Today the selection of materials available for the production of jewelry is especially large and various.
The item on this page http://www.aval
is a good example for jewelry showing a symbolism that was achieved in a very special way. If you want to point to this page you can use the following information about our website and the page itself:
  • Website: Our short desription is "Webshop for Minerals, Gems & Jewelry"
  • Page: Vitality, cunningness and protection from danger are granted by the Sword of Draco.
We always try hard to add new jewelry designs to our range of products that are skillfully made and have a special meaning, because we want to offer our customers pieces of jewelry which are something special due to their symbolism and their beauty. Furthermore we try to take into consideration all cultures and epochs, so that everybody can find his quite unique piece of jewelry at our shop.

Sword of Draco: More about us - www.avalonstreasury.com [130 x 22 px]